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sábado, mayo 26, 2007

Abierta, Democrática, ReUsable, Universal y Convergente

Una nota de prensa televisiva (hoy de culto)
sobre los primeros días del Internet masivo
[vía tesis-antitesis].

A propósito de un texto (discurso) de Berners-Lee algunas ideas sobre los principios que inspiraron la formación y expansión de la Red (títulos añadidos por e-rgonomic). [The Mobile Web]

Democratización del acceso:
I wanted to design the World Wide Web, as I decided to call it, to be usable for any data on any system. I had watched the failure of so many sophisticated documentation access systems which constrained their users to use one type of computer, or operating system. If really anything could be on the Web, then the Web technology should demand almost nothing of its users…So this is one of the qualities of an open platform: it is built to enable, not to control…

Internet para todos:
The Web is designed, in turn, to be universal: to include anything and anyone. This universality includes an independence of hardware device and operating system, as I mentioned, and clearly this includes the mobile platform. It also has to allow links between data from any form of life, academic, commercial, private or government. It can't censor: it must allow scribbled ideas and learned journals, and leave it to others to distinguish these. It has to be independent of language and of culture. It has to provide as good an access as it can for people with disabilities.

The value added by the Web is the unexpected re-use of information.

Una Red convergente:
Net Neutrality was so much of an obvious technical and social prerequisite of the Internet world, that it never needed a name until now. It is a tension of convergence, where different business models and cultures may clash. I am confident that Net Neutrality will be preserved, for the good of us all. But I would urge you to support it whenever you get the chance.

Pensando en Mañana:
When you want to make a foundation technology, you need to look ahead. You need to put aside the short term return on investment questions and look at the long term.

Una Red Abierta:
I personally believe that it is important to humanity to connect peoples across the world as widely as possible. I think we must preserve the diversity of cultures and ideas. But also I think we must connect people to give more global harmony. We should not add connectivity to the long list that the richer countries have and the poorer ones do not, a list which of course has clean water, health care and peace pretty near the top.

So when we look at the choices for the mobile devices, it is clear that they must continue on the path to an open Web platform.

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