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miércoles, marzo 12, 2008

Arquitectura Semática [D2D, data to data]

En una larga, contundente y recomendable entrevista Berners-Lee da algunas luces en torno los próximos pasos de Internet.

Me parece que lo más sustantivo de esta entrevista es la idea de vincular datos por sobre el hecho de linkear archivos (o páginas web). El cambio de paradigma que ello implica y las nuevas oportunidades que esta evolución trae consigo son algunas de las ideas que se desprenden de su reflexión.

Un ejemplo de ello, del que habíamos hablado hace tiempo, pero ahora volvemos encontrar en la recomendable Technology Review, es Photosynth, que está basada en el principio de crear nuevas taxonomías para integrar y explotar la información, incorporando los principios de la arquitectura social donde la suma hace a los sistemas más robustos y, al mismo tiempo, permiten explotar contenidos visuales en 2D de manera multidimensional hasta convertirlas en formatos 3D casi reales.

Photosynth, aunque es un desarrollo que viene del lado oscuro de la fuerza, integra un buscador visual, una base de datos gráfico común como Flickr, con una estructura relacional similar a la de las tags y con cierta proximidad a las arquitecturas semánticas, que se aproximan a la re-construcción de escenarios en 3D. La idea es interesante y evidencia profundas transformaciones en la red 2D de hoy.

A continuación extractos y adaptaciones de la entrevista de Berners Lee:

Semantic Architecture

It is about integration, it is like getting power when you use the data, it is giving people the ability to do queries across the huge amounts of data. The connection from the data to the provenance of the data, and not just for the name of the document that it came from.

Trusted systems: you can relate a document to the signature. Will not only go back to the source, you will look at the metadata ab

You should think about how valuable each piece of data in the company would be if it were available to other people across the company, or if it were available publicly, and if it were available to your partners. We should be able to get huge benefits from interoperability.

The social networking sites, some of the ones that have become very popular have done it because captured the semantics… so the power of the reuse of the data has been much greater.


And we've got systems at MIT where you get in there and play around with things like mixing OpenID authentication with friend-of-a-friend, for example. Currently, if you want to comment on my blog, then you have to be related through the social network to somebody in the group. You have to be a friend of a friend of a friend to some level of somebody in the group; just so we know that you're not a spammer.

Resistencia al Cambio

Before there was a significant amount of Web, it was really difficult to persuade people it would be a good idea. They just didn't understand how fundamentally essential it would be to be on the Web.

Complejidad Semántica

When you look at the complexity of all the things on the Web, or the Semantic Web, when you look at the size of them, of data from all kinds of different places, and you think about the implications of that, then yes, it is complicated. The Semantic Web is already complicated. The public Semantic Web is a very interesting and complicated, very powerful, useful thing which is interesting to analyze. Once it starts, then it can snowball.


Keeping the Read/Write Web is a really big priority for me. When you edit a blog, actually you edit only the very middle of the page, then you have a very limited markup, and you don't get an option of editing all the stuff around it that is generated automatically… We should have a type of HTML form where you can just type and do bold, and strong, and emphasis and so on, very easily using these interfaces, which are supported by the browser instead of by a bunch of java scripts. And that will help us become collaboratively creative.

Link relacionado:
How to Publish Linked Data on the Web.

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